Commenting On Other’s Posts

I left a comment on Emily’s post, Ella’s post, Madi’s post, and Billy’s post. The reason I left a comment on Emily’s post about being online versus offline because she explained how she acts more confident online and more shy in person, which is sometimes how I act as well. “Emily, I agree with your post about being online versus being offline. Online I am also very enthusiastic,  while in person I can sometimes be a little more awkward. It is easier to express yourself online because you can act like who you want to be. Offline is difficult because you have to face reality and who you truly are. Even though you are the same person both on social media and in real life, online you can make yourself sound more interesting.” The reason I left a comment on Ella’s post about her avatar was because she said that her avatar was just her being comfortable and confident, and she doesn’t need to impress anyone but herself, which is a good thing to live off of. “Ella, I love this post about your avatar because you are telling the real truth. You have explained how you don’t care about what you wear, just as long as you feel comfortable and confident. I feel like being comfortable and confident is very important because there’s no reason to worry about what others think, it’s about caring about how you feel and look.” The reason I left a comment on Madi’s post about who she is was because she went into full detail about who she really is and didn’t leave out one detail, which is how writing should be. “Madi, this post about who you are is amazing because you explained, in every way, all the little details about yourself. There is not one thing you left out about your description about yourself. You are able to get lots of useful information and plus you can stay on the topic of yourself throughout the paragraph/post.” The reason I left a comment on Billy’s post about his online and offline self is because he explained the importance of being safe whether it is offline or online. “Billy, I agree with your post about yourself online and offline. I’m always safe, as well, online and offline because I know that if I am not then negative events may take place. I also agree that being online is fun, yet we still need to be careful no matter what. There are some traits about myself that I share online and offline, as well.”

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